Chapter 287: Indeed It's Them

"Major General Jin, Major General Jin, where are you?"

"At the command tent, come over."

"Okay, I'll be right there."

Having said that, Fang Huai had already arrived near the command tent.

But at the entrance of the tent, he saw a peculiar team.

The area symbol on their backs was very strange.

Lincang Fire Brigade, Kunming Fire Brigade, Nanchong Fire Brigade, Chongqing Fire Brigade, Changde Fire Brigade, Bijie Fire Brigade...

Dozens of people, except for the municipality of Chongqing, which didn't indicate its district, the rest conspicuously belonged to more than thirty fire brigades.

It's true that all of China was in Sichuan, but as for firefighting, it should have been assembled by whole corps or detachments, so how could there be so many local fire brigades all in this place?