Chapter 353: Not Good, the Opponent Can Cheat_2

But when he heard Li Kui say "The training has nothing to do with firefighting," Fang Huai felt somewhat tense inside.

Damn, I am here specifically for the professional firefighting training, getting ready for the Grand Martial Arts Competition, and you're telling me the training here has nothing to do with firefighting?

Am I playing the fool here?

The adjacent Li Kui, however, said, "If your foot truly hurts, you can file a report and withdraw from the training! But you can't drag everyone else down, you got that?"

Upon hearing this, Fang Huai thought it over and then sighed inside.

For this reason, I've already taken three days off. When leaving, a bunch of old squad leaders gave me all sorts of instructions, from packing the backpack to fetching medicine. If I were to go back now, I'd lose so much face.

Forget it, I'm already here.

"Yes! I absolutely won't drag anyone down!"