Chapter 405: Forcibly Reaching Consensus

The News Broadcast had ended.

By regulation, after watching the News Broadcast, the duty squad leader should report to the Squadron Department to discuss what to do next.

But today, there were way too many duty squad leaders.

Four squads, eight squad leaders and deputy squad leaders, minus Jiang Jun who was on leave and Liu Jianfeng on guard duty, five people all stood at the door of the Squadron Department to report.

Captain Hao sauntered over happily with his hands behind his back.

Everyone wanted to know whether Fang Huai came out on top or not in this gamble in the Squadron Department.

"Come in."

The one who called them in was Fang Huai himself.

Everyone outside the door was stunned for a moment upon hearing the voice. Then, opening the door, they were stunned again.

Fang Huai was leaning against an office desk, looking quite relaxed, opposite three cadres sitting on the couch.

"What's up?" Fang Huai turned his head and frowned, "Why are so many people here?"