Chapter 56: Grandmaster Level Longevity Technique (Seeking Continuous Reading)_1

"Sister-in-law, this really can't be!"

Luo Chen quickly declined, ordinarily grabbing a little food is no big deal.

But this soup, it's for Qin Liangchen to replenish his Qi and blood, and this concerns the upcoming life-and-death fight.

Even with his thick skin, he didn't dare to drink this soup.

Murong Qinglian, however, insisted on placing the soup bowl on Luo Chen's table.

"This is just some leftovers, your Big Brother Qin has drunk all the essence, you don't need to refuse."


"There's no buts about it, unless you don't like your sister-in-law's cooking."

"Uh, okay then!"

Luo Chen stopped declining and simply drank the small bowl of soup cleanly.

"The Blood Evil Qi Tiger is a Second Order Demon Beast, its bone soup is a great tonic for Qi Refinement Stage Cultivators. Although it's just a small bowl, you're also at the middle stage of Qi Refinement, and it should bring you great benefits."