Chapter 95: Spirit Vision Rooted, Seeing Through the Earth Vein (Please Subscribe)_2

Therefore, only those cultivators who have lost hope of breaking through and who don't have any suitable magic tools at their disposal, choose to focus on techniques.

Qu Hancheng is a perfect example of such an old cultivator.

In Luo Chen's view, Qu Hancheng's Fireball Technique has reached a level of mastery comparable to his own.

That's already quite impressive!

His hand seals are well-practiced, he forms the spell quickly, and releases it swiftly. However, he isn't very good at controlling the direction of the fireballs he throws.

He couldn't possibly match Luo Chen's ability to launch dozens of fireballs and control their trajectory.

But Luo Chen's goal doesn't lie here.

"One, two...sixteen, seventeen. Will you continue?"

Qu Hancheng's face turned pale as he wiped off his forehead sweat.

"I can't go on. I only have enough spirit power to cast seventeen Fireball Techniques."

Only seventeen?

Luo Chen furrowed his brows, his eyes falling on the pockmarked ground.