Chapter 99 Qi Refinement Experience, Auction (Complete Tens of Thousands, Requesting Initial Subscription!)_2

"Luo Chen, the Pill Hall lost a whole thousand Spirit Stones last month. As the head of the Pill Hall, you should have an explanation!"

Mi Junping stared at Luo Chen with a frosty face.

Luo Chen was taken aback, "An explanation for what? I faithfully refined the pills and all the ones I produced were sold by you. Why are you asking me about the losses?"

"Moreover, you haven't given me my share of the profits from last month."

Mi Junping gritted her teeth: "We've lost so much, and you still have the audacity to ask for profits?"

Luo Chen shed his playful expression and said seriously, "We had a deal at the outset. My share of the profits would be from a single type of elixir, subtracting the cost of raw materials and part of the cultivator's monthly salary. Last month's loss wasn't due to the Allure Pill but rather the Jade Marrow Pill."

"If you have objections, I can stop refining the Jade Marrow Pill and focus on the Allure Pill."

Upon hearing this, Mi Junping hesitated.