Chapter 105 Old Coachman, How Dare You Deceive Me Like This_1

Inside Box number eight, Dan Chenzi, the number one Pill Refiner of the Broken Mountain Gang, was engrossed with the small tripod in his hand.

Yes, a small tripod.

This Four Symbols Tripod, aside from inscribing the Earth Rock Array, Strong Defense Array, and Fire Gathering Array, surprisingly also contained a Ruyi Array.

Therefore, it could change size according to will, shrinking from a height of ten feet to fit in the palm of one's hand.

Dan Chenzi — Luo Chen, was utterly thrilled.

With this tripod, he had an extra choice for either attack or defense.

Moreover, even though its pill refinement function wasn't as superior as a proper Ascendant Grade Pill Tripod, it was still ample for processing three to four furnaces worth of raw materials at once.

If a Pill Refiner was skilled enough, he could even process five portions of raw materials simultaneously.