Chapter 112 What do you think of Mi Junping (Please subscribe)_4

Luo Chen did not plan to sell them.

Such magic tools can be useful at times.

Next, Luo Chen went a few thousand meters deep, reaching the inner part of the peripheral forest.

There, the traces of demon beasts were relatively more.

With the help of these First Order demon beasts, Luo Chen began to familiarize himself with the Fire Tip Spear and Bereaved Spirit Bell.

It must be said that the wonders of some magic tools must be understood in actual combat.

That Fire Tip Spear, apart from being used against an enemy, when held in hand and energized with spirit power, could also emit a rain of fire with considerable potency.

Large clumps of sparks flew out, falling down like a rain of fire.

The attack strength was low, but the advantage lay in its large attack range.

Under a wide-range attack, almost every rain of fire possessed the power of a lower grade magic tool.