Chapter 113: Born between heaven and earth, how can a great man live under others for a long time_3

"The last auction did not auction off Spirit Pills."

"But I remember there was a time when the Spirit Medicine Hall auctioned off five bottles of second-order Spirit Pills. Perhaps next year, they might auction off a few bottles as well."

Luo Chen asked curiously: "Can I use the second-order Spirit Pill?"

"It's not recommended, so you'd better hope that they can offer the first-order Spirit Pills suitable for the Qi Refinement Stage!"

After seeing Luo Chen's expression of anticipation, Mi Shuhua released a sigh of relief, his mood not as gloomy as before.

He couldn't bear to see this precious child unhappy!

"By the way, about Dan Xiu, the one who ambushed you, I've gotten some information."

"I'll give you an explanation when the time comes."

Before leaving, Mi Shuhua brought Luo Chen some good news.

For an enemy who had attempted to kill him, Luo Chen did feel a prickling sensation in his back if that enemy continued to remain out of sight.