Chapter 114: First Battle on the Dao Debate Platform (Seeking Subscriptions)_1

Crescent Valley, light snow is flying.

In the Pill Hall, the scent of tea wafts through the air. Luo Chen is engrossed in a book.

The sound of footsteps followed by a weary sigh came to his ears.

Without lifting his head, he said, "Failed again?"


The sullen voice emanated from Tang Quan, who looked completely listless at the moment.

The reason for his lack of energy was firstly due to the failure of refining the Allure Pill and secondly due to his low realm, which had exhausted a lot of his energy during the alchemy process.

"Failure is normal. The birth of any lower-grade pill is accompanied by hundreds or thousands of failures."

Hearing this calm and unfluctuating tone, Tang Quan sighed.

He had thought that being valued by Luo Chen and being allowed to take charge of the refinement of Allure Pill demonstrated some of his talent.

But over the past month, he had failed every day, with every batch.

The closest he came to success was only a half-finished product.