Chapter 115: Internal Warfare of Demon Wolves, Blood Ignition Pill Formula (10,000-word update completed, please subscribe)_3

But Mi Shuhua wasn't an ordinary Foundation Establishment Cultivator, he had a recently acquired magic item, its speed was unimaginably fast, something Luo Chen had glimpsed when they first met.

And, run?

"Why would I run?"

He still needed the manpower and resources of the Broken Mountain Gang to cultivate.

Besides, Mi Shuhua keeping an eye on him, that was within his expectations.

This strand of Spirit Power was merely a backup insurance instead of Zhou Yuanli and those bodyguards.

The most important point was that Luo Chen now had a way to eliminate this strand of Spirit Power quickly!

He could completely remove this Spirit Power by a forceful activation of his internal Spirit Power, utilizing the Grandmaster Level Cleaning Technique.

Even though the Foundation Establishment Cultivators are powerful, they are not terrifying to an extreme degree.

Spirit Power, once detached from the body, is like rootless duckweed.