Chapter 117: Returning to Chang Yin, Demon Beasts Test Pills (Seeking Subscribers)_1

Deep in the night, all was quiet.

In the midst of Changyin Mountain, on the side of a cliff wall.

A figure stepped out from a narrow cave entrance, eyes glowing, without making a sound.

He activated the Concealing Breath Mantra to the fullest, Luo Chen was as calm as an old stump, scanning his surroundings.

Good, the entrance to this cave hasn't been discovered by the Demon Beasts of Changyin Mountain.

Some time ago, through his connection with Zeng Wen, he managed to procure a geographical record of the Eastern Wasteland Million Mountains.

There were lots of specific place names that ordinary rogue cultivators wouldn't know.

The most detailed notation belongs to the Ancient Plains Mountain Range, as it is the most common location for the cultivators of the Broken Mountain Gang and the Rogue Cultivators in the Great River District.

Compared to it, the notation for Xiao Yue Mountain Range was much simpler.

The path that extends from Crescent Valley leads to Changyin Mountain.