Chapter 121 Golden Diamond Turns into White Jade, Eighth Level Qi Refinement (Seeking Subscriptions)_3

Luo Chen was stunned.

Can one discern the level of achievement in Dao of Alchemy by scent?

Indeed, there was no smell of medicine or fire on him, for he had dusted them all off using the Cleaning Technique.

That slight Pill Qi was intentionally left by him.

Gu Caiyi had been consulted about this in the past and her response made him unworried.

Yet, he never expected that Steward Miao's eyesight was not only extraordinary, but his sense of smell was also extremely sharp.

"Young people can be really impressive!"

Steward Miao sighed, turning his attention to Mi Shuhua.

"Friend Mi, your Broken Mountain Gang indeed flourishes in talents. I'm afraid it will just get better and better in the future."

Mi Shuhua showed a smile, "Then we should also receive some help from you, Friend Miao!"

"Of course, of course, but I also request you to take the matter I asked for seriously."

"We will definitely do our utmost!"

"I will not bother you any longer. Goodbye!"