Chapter 122: Chaos Gradually Arises, Big Moves (10,000 more subscriptions please)_2

Are the rewards greater?

Shouldn't there be more participants, and the atmosphere be better?

Luo Chen couldn't figure out the answer.

Not until the next morning, when his bodyguard, Dong Fangliang, brought up the murder case in a nearby mixed courtyard, did he realize something.

"Where's the Enforcement Team?"

"They sent someone to investigate, and then there was no follow-up," said Dong Fangliang.

Luo Chen asked in confusion, "Is the Enforcement Team not doing anything?"

The Inner City isn't absolutely safe, a fact Luo Chen discovered long ago.

But with the establishment of the Dao Debate Platform and the Sword Pavilion Enforcement Team, crimes like murders and robberies in the Inner City have dwindled.

Even when these occasionally happen, the perpetrator is quickly tracked down and brought to justice.

Dong Fangliang did not provide a specific answer; he was just a trivial rogue cultivator at the Seventh Level Qi Refinement, mostly overlooked.