Chapter 129: Changes in Ancient Plains, Demon Beasts Riot (Please subscribe, folks)_1


A dry heave followed by a mouthful of fresh blood being spit out.

A mixture of blood and bits of internal organs.

The severity of the injuries of the person hurling the blood was evident.

Yet, he was the better off among them.

Wen Jie cast a worried glance at the man being carried on Sima Huiniang's back.

That man was their oldest brother, Sima Xian.

He critically activated his Original Source using a secret technique and swallowed a Blood Ignition Pill, then single-handedly fought two Wood Element Dragons.

Sima Xian, their big brother, pushed Sima Huiniang out of the way, disregarding everything, when the six dragons of the Green Musk Aggregation Jiao Flag burst forth in the last round.

Because of this, his injuries were so severe that he was on the verge of death.

"Younger brother, don't get distracted. Stay on guard and look for a safe place to land."

Hearing the tense yet well-ordered command, Wen Jie quickly regained his focus.

Soon, he found an empty room.