Chapter 132: Hundreds of lives merged into one pot, do you want the Foundation Establishment Pill_3

Luo Chen could clearly sense that underneath the mat was a source of incredibly dense spiritual qi.

It was incredibly similar to the spirit vein tributary cave he'd discovered beneath the Crescent Valley, but somehow denser.

"Is there an enormous spirit stone ore underneath?"

"But even a tributary from the First Order Spirit Vein shouldn't be capable of creating such an overwhelmingly enormous environment of spiritual qi!"

Just as Luo Chen was filled with doubts, a crisp cracking sound reached his ears.

Luo Chen looked towards the sound and saw a pile of transparent, slightly white, rhomboid crystals collapsing in the southeastern corner of the stone chamber, turning into a cloud of dust.

"Spirit Stones, Medium Grade Spirit Stones!"

At a glance, Luo Chen could count at least ten stones in that pile.

Moreover, this was only one corner.

In the remaining eight corners of the stone chamber, the same number of Medium Grade Spirit Stones could be found.