Chapter 134 Finalization of Qi Concealment Secret Technique (Third update, asking for monthly votes)_2

He would gladly accept gifts from his friends and wouldn't hesitate to help them in return.

Even after traversing to another world, he genuinely treated people like Wang Yuan, Elder Chen or the neighbors from the Four Courtyards as friends.

If they had a windfall, he would pat their backs for free and congratulate them.

And when hardship befell upon them, he did his best to help.

Just like he did with Gu Caiyi, Feng Xia, and most recently Duan Feng who became his friend.

However, his attitude differed completely towards outsiders.

He would be cautious, alert, and never dive deep into a conversation with them.

Moreover, he would always put his own interests first!

This was especially evident in his interactions with Mi Shuhua!

The relationship he had with Mi Shuhua was never equal from the start.

It was purely based on mutual benefits.

Due to the significant power disparity, Mi Shuhua had the upper hand from the very beginning.