Chapter 136: Surround But Do Not Attack, Mi Shuhua Comes Out (Fifth Update, Seeking Monthly Pass!)_2

"Hall Master, what about Elder Sikong..."

"Don't worry, everyone might betray the Broken Mountain Gang, except for him." Luo Chen said without turning his head.

Earlier, it was he who let the old man in.

The reason for doing so was straightforward.

The old man's son, Sikong Yuanhong, was the son-in-law of the Mi family, bound to Mi Shuhua's future plans.

If Sikong Shoujia still had hopes for the Great Dao Path, he might have had it in him to betray his own family, directly defecting to the enemy.

However, metaphorically old as he was, he had no hope of achieving the path to greatness in his lifetime.

It was exactly for this reason, everyone else might betray him, but Sikong Shoujia would not!

Luo Chen raised his hand, pointing to the sky full of crossing glints.

He laughingly explained: "Have you noticed? They don't seem particularly intent on taking Crescent Valley."

Liu Qiang was surprised, unconscious of their aim if not to take Crescent Valley.