Chapter 138: Everyone Takes Action, Surround and Kill Blockade (This is the wrongly sent chapter in advance, hoping someone would subscribe_1)

Anxious? Anxious?

Why should Luo Chen be in a hurry?

Clearly, those outside were surrounding but not attacking, implying that they did not harbor great murderous intentions toward the people of the Crescent Valley.

This was especially apparent with regard to the elderly, weak, women, and children who were in the early and middle stages of Qi Refinement.

In the world of Immortal Cultivation, there has never been a good tradition of caring for the elderly and vulnerable.

Even old and female cultivators are usually seen as entities to be wary of.

The former are worldly-wise and heavily experienced, possessing unique skills that enable them to survive until old age, be it in combat or otherwise.

As for female cultivators, those who have advanced far in their cultivation are often more ruthless than their male counterparts of the same level.

Without such ruthlessness, it would be impossible for them to stand out from the vast sea of people.