Chapter 141: Brother Gao Er, I hope you are well_3

Meanwhile, in the valley, a man was walking nonchalantly around the Spirit Field.

He occasionally looked down, his eyes falling on small magic arrays, his gaze reflecting his amusement.

The surrounding chaos seemed to have nothing to do with him.

Seeing an old woman flying towards him, he frowned and casually threw a few Array Flags.

Then, a brilliant golden light filled the sky!


Luo Chen was among the crowd, flying towards the outside.

If he were alone, he could have effortlessly escaped.

But his friends were still here.

Without dire necessity, he could not abandon them and flee alone.

"Hallmaster, we will create an escape opportunity for you shortly. I know you're speedy, so don't miss the chance!"

Luo Chen looked at the retreating figures of Zhou Yuanli and Liu Qiang in front, sighed, and moved his lips.

"At this point, there is no longer a need to fulfill the duty of protection, you guys should just try to protect yourselves!"