Chapter 147: Funeral, No Descendants, Heart Torment, We'll Have a Long Time Ahead! (An early congratulations to our Alliance Master Yinhua Xiaomin!)_2

In other words, within no more than three months, he could start seeing profits!

In the past, he might have doubted Luo Chen's Pill Refinement Technique.

But after seeing the nearly three thousand Medium Grade Jade Marrow Pills in that small Storage Bag, he didn't have any doubts anymore.

This guy is absolutely a genius in the Dao of Alchemy!

If this were when he had just been assigned as a steward, he would have done everything he could to recommend Luo Chen to the Yu Ding Sword Sect.

For the sake of recruiting talents for the Sect!

But after all these years, he had seen it all too clearly.

An steward is nothing more than a handyman for the Sect.

In comparison, it would be more beneficial to keep Luo Chen in The Great River District, and cooperate with him.

This way, he could earn even more.

In the future, he could leave a substantial inheritance for his own clan.