Chapter 147: Funeral, No Descendants, Heart Torment, We'll Have a Long Time Ahead! (An early congratulations to our Alliance Master Yinhua Xiaomin!)_6

With a light leap, he descended slowly like a floating bird.

"To let me see the truth of myself is a favor."

"To make me feel this embarrassed is a grudge."

"Uncle Wen, we have a long time ahead."

"Luo Chen, what do you think?"

In the newly built Golden Hall, Gu Caiyi led ten girls, looking towards Luo Chen with a smile.

Looking at them standing in a row.

For a moment, Luo Chen almost blurted out "bring a different group".

He stroked his chin and slowly shook his head.

"Not quite right, they're too humble."


Gu Caiyi was perplexed, she turned to look at her sisters behind her, and suddenly realized something.

Most of these female cultivators were her former friends.

Either they were Rogue Cultivators from The Great River District, or female cultivators who had quit Heavenly Fragrance Pavilion.

Among them, two Seventh Level Qi Refinement cultivators looked unhealthily thin, making them even more pitiable.