Chapter 148: Golden Cicada's Cease no More, Body Refinement's Three Realms, First Meet with Nangong (12,000 chapters, asking for monthly subscription)_6

Qu Hancheng hurried over, he grabbed Qu Lingjun without saying a word and prepared to spank him.

"This child, all he does every day is stir up trouble. He definitely needs a serious lesson!"

However, before he could lay his hand down, Luo Chen lifted his hand with a wave of spirit power.

"Enough, stop pretending."

"Who doesn't know that old Qu cherishes his grandson the most."

Qu Hancheng chuckled, his aged face lit up with a bright smile.

He casually pulled Qu Lingjun, who hid behind him, and asked him to stand straight up in front of Luo Chen.

Luo Chen shaking his head said, "The work at the Pill Hall is quite dangerous. The furnace once exploded. Why did you bring a child here?"

"Actually, he's not that young anymore. He will be twelve soon and can start cultivation."

Qu Hancheng looked at his grandson, his tone filled with immense affection.

"Instead of causing mischief at home and being untamable, I simply brought him here to Crescent Valley."