Chapter 155: Elder, Please Draw Your Sword! (Seventh Update)_1

[Spirit Vision Technique 1000/1000—Spirit Vision Technique Finalization]

The change in the tooltip was just an instant.

However, Luo Chen felt as if millennia had passed as his eyes underwent the transformation.

Colors of various hues flickered incessantly in his eyes.

Even when he closed his eyes, there was still a burning sensation, making him extremely uncomfortable.

It felt as if an ordinary person were staring directly into the proud sun with wide-open eyes.

Or like sharp ice shards were being driven, inch by inch, into his pupils.

Two trails of blood slowly trickled down from the corners of his eyes.


He raised his eyelids and opened his eyes that were as bright as stars, staring directly at this vast world!

"This is...Spirit Qi?"

Luo Chen instinctively stretched out his hand, wanting to touch the thin substance in the air.

But when he reached out, he grabbed nothing.

"It's too thin, it can't even form a shape."

Luo Chen pondered.