Chapter 156 - Battle of the Golden Core, Rewarding Magic Items (Seeking Monthly Pass)_2

Miao Wen's puzzled voice resounded once again.

"Why are we so sure that this Golden Core Ascendant Master in the black robe will covet these magic items?"

"This is Elder Pang's speculation."

Luo Tianhong spoke indifferently, "Fei Bowen was attacked. According to Elder Pang's judgment, the opponent was likely targeting that defense magic item from Ailao Mountain—the Solid Enclosure."

"But the Solid Enclosure works both ways. Fei Bowen activated it before his death, so the enemy had to retreat fruitlessly."

"Later on, Elder Pang managed to take away most of the resources from the relics of the late Supreme Elder in Ghost God Valley, leaving behind only the Lan Ke Black and White Chess Piece and the Monster-Locking Tower. Those two items have defense attributes and would naturally attract the greedy hand of the rat."

Miao Wen finally understood. He had not been privy to these secrets.

After all, he was just an External Sect Steward, but Luo Tianhong was different.