Chapter 159: Big River Ghost City, The Fall Of Many Repairs (massive update, request for subscription!)_1

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Luo Chen joked just like that to alleviate the tension between them.

He could distinctly feel that Wang Yuan, who was customarily calm and collected, displayed a hint of unease after hearing about the battle among the Five Great Golden Cores in The Great River District.

Wang Yuan always presented himself as unrushed and composed.

But the consecutive battles at the Golden Core level in The Great River District put great pressure on him.

Pressure that is unbearable for someone at the Second Realm of Body Refinement.

A bottle of Spirit Pill is not a lot but it could provide significant help to Wang Yuan.

He himself is quite wealthy and can calmly cultivate to the Finalization of Qi Refinement.

Now with the addition of this bottle of Spirit Pill, he might be able to accelerate his speed.

Luo Chen still has four bottles left. Although he doesn't possess the robust physique of Wang Yuan to directly absorb the Spirit Pill,