Chapter 164: Emperor Liquor, Blood Refinement Sword Pill (Seeking Monthly Ticket)_1

Two beast hides!

Wang Yuan was dumbstruck.

He didn't expect that there was a hidden secret on this beast hide, which recorded the Body Refinement Method of the Third Realm.

Just a thin piece of hide!


Not just him!

Even that Foundation Establishment True Cultivator probably didn't notice it either!

"I don't know what demon beast this hide comes from. It has a natural hiding effect and can be cut into multiple layers. I even suspect that it can be cut into one more layer."

"No, if the technique is skillful enough, even more layers can be made."

Luo Chen stroked the beast hide with admiration.

If it weren't for the complete mastery of Spirit Vision Technique, which could distinguish between truth and falsehood and see through illusions, enabling him to see details even more clearly than ordinary people...

He would not have even picked up on it at all.