Chapter 166: Completing the Tongyou Pill, Qi Refinement, Body Strengthening, and Soul Fortifying, a three-pronged approach! _3

After finishing another bout of cultivation, Luo Chen glanced at his attribute panel.

[Realm: Ninth Level Qi Refinement 8/100]

It's been almost four months since he was on the verge of breaking through to the Ninth Level of Qi Refinement.

He was very satisfied with his training progress.

In the initial month, he progressed slowly from 1 to 2, at a snail's pace.

However, for the last two months, thanks to the Spirit Pills, his efficiency doubled and he has now reached the eighth progress marker.

"The specific training speed should be around 1.5 per month."

"The Spirit Pills are indeed incredible!"

"I hope Tian Xingzi can get me more."

Luo Chen calculated the number of Spirit Pills he had left. After more than two months, with consumption of one pill every ten days, there were only 33 pills left.

In other words, they could only last for one more year.

"Patience, patience!"

Luo Chen sighed, his current pace of practice was already pushing the limit.