Chapter 169: Divine Soul Soars, Cultivating Divine Intimidation Technique (Looking for Monthly Votes)_3

However, initiation is one thing, and continuing cultivation is another.

Each bout of cultivation needs to drive the Divine Intimidation Technique.

Yet, unlike other techniques such as Fireball or Earth Rock, the Divine Intimidation Technique can't be cast out of thin air.

Instead, it requires a targeted object.

Furthermore, the target must at least have a spirit!

But the backlash effect of a failed Divine Intimidation Technique has always been a concern for Luo Chen.

Therefore, after initiation, he put it aside for a while.

Up until now, he only had a few instances of proficiency, just enough to be considered a beginner.

Now that his Divine Soul had seen a significant increase, even though he didn't know how strong it was exactly.

But Luo Chen's Divine Soul Endowment was already stronger than other cultivators of the same order, so it should be even more formidable after the increase.

In such a case, he should not need to worry about backlash anymore.