Chapter 174: Nanwa is Absent, The Old Friend Comes in the Snow, The Sky Changes, High in the Supreme_6

Luo Chen nodded.

In this era, many of The Great River District rogue cultivators stay here instead of moving on.

Besides the fact that The Great River District is near the mountains and rich in resources, which is beneficial to their cultivation...

There is also the issue that journeys to other places often take too long.

The Lancang River isn't just a simple river.

Many demon beasts live in it, including those of the second and third order.

When Pang Renxiong slayed the Golden Core of a demonic cultivator, there were many corpses of first order demonic beasts at the bottom of the Lancang River.

The latecomers, the rogue cultivators who dared to go under the river, also reaped plentiful rewards.

"Actually, the trade in Liuguang District is the most profitable."

"It used to be a mining site for the Yu Ding Sword Sect, but after years of excavation, there isn't much left."

"During those three hundred years of mining, many factions emerged nearby."