Chapter 176: Luo Yun Prepares for War, Beast Tide Sweeps, Riding Six Dragons, Second Order Blast Ape (10,000-word Mega Chapter, Please Subscribe)_3

Now, the Luo Yun Sect seems to be in this situation.

With their current strength, they probably would not be able to wage an Open War.

Unable to expand externally, their only option is to fight internally.

"I do not know whether my guesses are right or wrong."

Luo Chen sighed bitterly. He only knew that under the encompassing tide of this era, he, a mere Ninth Level Qi Refinement Cultivator, could only go with the flow.

Yet, he has finally built a stable base.

Who would want to drift along with the current?

He had no intention of becoming like Xiong Kun, a rogue cultivator who had to hunt demon beasts to fend for himself.

"Just forget it!"

"Overthinking will not do any good."

"The priority now is to improve my cultivation and break through to the Foundation Establishment stage as soon as possible."

"With the Luo Tian Creed in place, even if a war breaks out, I'll have sufficient buffer to calmly make choices."