Chapter 176: Luo Yun Prepares for War, Beast Tide Sweeps, Riding Six Dragons, Second Order Blast Ape (10,000 Word Big Chapter Subscribe Requested)_6


A colossal force sent her flying tens of meters away.

An explosive monkey that was ten feet tall was violently thumping its chest.

A peak-level first order Demon Beast!

Such a size, such a power, it was already no less formidable than a Qi Refinement Finalization Cultivator.

In the aftermath of fright, Sima Huiniang hurriedly flew to the sky.

But that Blast Ape seemed to have its eyes set on her.

It casually picked up a demon beast corpse next to it and tossed it as a weapon.


A shrieking sound came from her side, and a flying sword immediately passed by, cutting the corpse into dozens of pieces.

It was Murong Qinglian who came to help.

"Thank you!" Sima Huiniang breathed a sigh of relief.

Murong Qinglian's face was as dark as water, "This won't work."

Sima Huiniang was also not very optimistic, "The number of demon beasts is several times more than us. If we continue like this, even if we win, we would suffer heavy losses."