Chapter 179 Tian Xingzi is Leaving, the Real Scripture of Taming Beasts_1

Amid the ancient woods on the mountain.

The snow is white and thick, the cold wind brisk and biting.

Two figures stride side by side.

One is dressed in a white robe with lustrous star-like eyes and a thin figure.

The other has loose hair, dressed in coarse clothing and straw sandals, muscular and robust.

"How did it go?"

"Not bad. We've cleared the Nangong Family of suspicion and confirmed that Nangong Jin has intentions of forming an alliance."

"And the beast tide, where does it come from?"

"The Li Family, Duan Family… I lean more towards the Duan Family."



The man's foot steps on a dry branch, halting his progress.

Gazing at a small mountain ahead, the snow at the base of the mountain showing vague signs of melting.

Luo Chen blandly said, "The Li Family isn't directly at odds with us, we even have a close trading relationship with elixirs."