Chapter 180: Enslave the Second Order Blast Ape, You are All Pressuring Me! _3

Therefore, the latter sentence is concerned with each and every Ninth Level Qi Refinement Cultivator.

Among the seven present, Wang Yuan and Murong Qinglian are the oldest.

The youngest are Luo Chen and Gu Caiyi.

However, everyone's age does not exceed sixty years old.

All of them are in the Ninth Level of Qi Refinement with significant opportunity to advance further.

But everyone understands that the Luo Tian Creed couldn't possibly support so many Foundation Establishment Cultivators.

If they have enough resources, coupled with Luo Chen's ambition, which is different from Mi Shuhua's.

Then Luo Tian Creed could genuinely cultivate several Foundation Establishment True Cultivators.

Everyone could see that Luo Chen is very tolerant of others!

As long as one is loyal to him, he does not hesitate to provide benefits at usual times.

In the early development of the Luo Tian Creed, he could afford high salaries.