Chapter 182: Rampaging Explosive Monkey, Ze Guo Kui Map, Five Qi Return, Eternal Sun_3

"So that's it... Zhou Qing!!!"


Duan Qiankun, as if hit by a heavy blow, flew back several dozen zhang and crashed into a large pit.

Just now, the defensive magic item, Ze Guo Kui Map, had failed to fully function.

In the sky, a streak of aqua light fell like the moon, shrouding the Ze Guo Kui Map.

"It's not Elder Zhou, but me, Nangong Jin."

Nangong Jin stood on a white cloud, holding a round mirror in his hand.

The streak of aqua light came from within the mirror.

On the ground, deep within a pit.

"The Green Coagulation Treasure Mirror, he actually lent you this precious item?"

"For businessmen, profit is paramount. If I offer huge benefits, why wouldn't he lend it?" Nangong Jin said with a casual smile, his Spirit Consciousness continuously sweeping all directions. "You best worry about yourself!"


A cold snort sounded, and Duan Qiankun flew out of the deep pit.

The Ze Guo Kui Map still lingered around him, enveloping him.