Chapter 191 Luo Chen Sermons, Letting Go of Past Misunderstandings_1

"Indeed, fellow Taoist, your strength is exceptional!"

Facing Wang Haichao's praise, Luo Chen did not change his expression.

"These are just insignificant skills, nothing worth mentioning."

"Fellow Taoist, please have a seat!"

Wang Haichao did not beat around the bush, behaving as if the previous scene of sharp confrontation had never happened.

With a sweep of his large sleeves, he sat down in the spot reserved for him.

Min Longyu and Li Da also obediently took their seats at the long table behind them.

However, before sitting down, Min Longyu looked at Luo Chen with eyes full of shock.

"At the time of the battle in Crescent Valley, he was only at the Eighth Level Qi Refinement, but now he has actually reached Foundation Establishment."

"I thought he was bluffing before, but I didn't expect his strength to be so impressive!"

"Indeed, what rapid progress!"

He wasn't the only one having such thoughts.