Chapter 199 - Ghost Generals Competing, Winning Little Black_4

At that time, I put it inside the Soul-Refining Flag without much thought.

Unexpectedly, in just two months, it turned out like this.

Watching the two ghosts engaged in combat, brimming with ghostly aura.

Luo Chen sighed, realizing at this point.

"Basically, the Soul-Refining Flag's level is too low. It's already at its limit to accommodate a single second-order ghost creature."

"If there were two of them, they would consume each other."

This is the flaw of the Soul-Refining Flag.

At the magic tool level, it can hold up to a hundred souls, and only one second-order ghost creature can exist.

Only when it reaches the magic item level can it accommodate thousands or tens of thousands of souls, and even millions.

In that situation, not to mention a second-order ghost creature, even several third-order ghost kings can be accommodated.

By then, the internal space of the Soul-Refining Flag can form its own ghost realm!

"Well, let them fight!"