Chapter 202: Blood Stains the Great River, Falling like Rain (Seeking Monthly Tickets)_2

Some powerful rogue cultivators took advantage of others being attacked and forcibly flew towards the banks of the river.

Upon landing, they watched the scene unfolding before them in fright.

Cultivators were falling like rain.

The river was churning with blood.

Those on their makeshift bamboo rafts suffered an even worse fate!

The massive swarm of silver shuttle fish surrounded them immediately, not even giving them a chance to escape.

"Where did such a large swarm of silver shuttle fish come from?"

It was Nangong Jin's voice.

Luo Chen's brows furrowed as he concentrated his spirit consciousness towards the big ship in the center.

A conversation between Foundation Establishment True Cultivators began.

"To my knowledge, the Lancang River does not have such a large school of silver shuttle fish, does it?" it was still Nangong Jin.

In response to his urgent query.