Chapter 204 Taishan District, Jingshi Pavilion, Door-knocking Brick_2

Qu Lingjun eyed Luo Chen, whose expression seemed to be slightly dissatisfied, and asked in confusion.

"It's nothing," Luo Chen's gaze flickered and he lightly ordered, "Let Hui Niang know that the brothers within the association can visit Taishan District, but they need to travel in groups and try not to have conflicts with local people."

"Okay, I'll go tell the president right away."

By the time Qu Lingjun nodded, Luo Chen had already flitted away.


On the Dragon Whale Ship.

Luo Chen landed and ran into Li Yixian who had just arrived.

The two nodded in acknowledgment to each other and then walked into the hall together.

Nangong Jin had arrived early and Wang Haichao was even sitting on the top seat.

The four settled down and went straight to the point.

"When are they coming?"

Wang Haichao said grimly, "Soon! Just be patient!"


How could they possibly be patient!