Chapter 206: Red Toad Mountain, Huo Family Rises to Power (Seeking Subscriptions)_1

Luo Chen wasn't surprised that Kang Dongyue could guess his identity.

When terms such as Jade Marrow Pill, Dan Chenzi, Foundation Establishment True Cultivator, and The Great River District were put together, anyone who could think would guess that he was the head of Luo Tian Creed.

He nodded, not denying his identity.

Kang Dongyue appreciated it and nodded approvingly.

"It is indeed not easy for a Rogue Cultivator to cultivate. Having such a force at your disposal can certainly make things a lot easier."

"Your visit to Taishan District this time should be to settle down, right?"

Luo Chen did not hide anything and said straightforwardly, "That is indeed my intention."

"If that is the case, you might need to make a good impression at this auction," Kang Dongyue hinted, stroking his beard.

Make a good impression at the auction?

Luo Chen blinked, falling into deep thought.