Chapter 208: Some people change, some people can't._3

He proclaimed towards the fiery bidding scene below.

"Five thousand Lower Grade Spirit Stones!"

The scene quieted for a moment.

Then, a Qi Refinement Finalization Cultivator gritted his teeth and cried, "Five thousand and one!"

Luo Chen glanced at him, calmly saying, "Five thousand and two."

The man gritted his teeth again, "Five thousand and three!"

"Five thousand and four."

With this unruffled manner, it was clear that Luo Chen would match whatever the man bid.

As the man prepared to bid higher, his companion pulled him back.

His companion shook his head at him with a grave expression, yet the man was filled with reluctance.

However, in the end, he despondently gave up.

After all, he was up against a Foundation Establishment True Cultivator!

Three times was the limit. If he continued to fight, he feared he might risk his life over this purchase.

Moreover, there were still two more lots to bid on!