Chapter 210: Cleanse Origin Pill, Detox and Beautify_1

The hall, with its overall reddish tone, was lined with square tables and soft couches.

Without changing his face, Luo Chen observed the attendees.

Besides the maid, all were Foundation Establishment True Cultivators.

Across from him were Kang Dongyue and Yu Rou from local Immortal Cultivation Clans, along with two Foundation Establishment True Cultivators from Spirit Medicine Hall and Wanbao Pavilion.

No Foundation Establishment True Cultivators from foreign realm sect industries were present.

Or to put it another way, here in Taishan District, they'd made no arrangements for any Foundation Establishment True Cultivators.

After all, Taishan District wasn't as important as The Great River District, and the Great Sects didn't have that many Foundation Establishment Cultivators to send out.

The elderly cultivator with full head of white hair was probably from Xuelian District.