Chapter 213: The one who breaks the rules, the crazy Nangong Jin_1

"Aunt, something doesn't seem right up ahead!"

Li Ao quickly knocked on the door of a quiet room in the flying boat.

The door opened, and Li Yixian floated out.

She tilted her head upward, her bright eyes gazing at the towering plains; massive stone pillars transformed into stone dragons, alive and stirring.

Resounding sounds of intense battle filled the air in an instant.

Her eyebrows furrowed slightly, Li Yixian appeared puzzled and uneasy.

"It seems like Luo Chen and the others have run into trouble?"

Li Ao was taken aback. "Should we go to give them reinforcements?"

Li Yixian pressed her lips tightly as she looked at the Li Family cultivators who were setting up camp nearby.

She took a deep breath, fixing Li Ao with an intense gaze.

"You stay here and lead a patrol around this area. Don't let your guard down."

"I will go alone to assess the situation."


Without further hesitation, Li Yixian leapt into the air.