Chapter 213 The Rule Breaker, Crazy Nangong Jin_3

What's the purpose of the battle?

How will one handle the aftermath and gains of the battle?

How will the future develop?

But tonight!

Nangong Jin broke this implicit rule.

He set aside the courtesy expected of a Foundation Establishment True Cultivist, disregarded the immense threat of the enemy, and armed with a defensive magic item, started slaying lower order cultivators indiscriminately.

Moreover, he didn't care the slightest bit about the rogue cultivators from Liuguang District who were besieging the Nangong Family.

He was specifically targeting the Bo Family's cultivators!

And he, Bo Lun, was completely unable to stop him.

Those who had defensive magic items, he was unable to kill them in a short time, at most causing severe injuries.

By the time he would be able to kill them, there would be barely any Bo Family cultivators left.

By that point, even if his Bo Family would be able to annihilate the Nangong Family, what would be the point?