Chapter 216: A proud sun overwhelms the heart, a friend bids farewell to the world_1

Powerful! Scorching!

The massive fireball really did resemble a rising proud sun, continuously expanding and growing stronger.

Fear, recoiling.

It immediately enveloped the female cultivator overhead.

Yu Rou immediately stopped, her eyes filled with disbelief as she stared at the figure under the proud sun.

"Dan Chenzi?"

As she stopped, the proud sun gradually dissipated.

A cold, piercing gaze stared directly back.

Looking into those eyes was like staring into a cold pool abyss, mysteriously bottomless and incredibly cold.

Yu Rou said in a voice choked with panic, "Huo Hu mustn't die. You... you can't kill him."

She glanced at the unconscious body in the vine prison.

Luo Chen sneered, "There's no rule in the world that allows one to kill but not to fight back. Isn't that right, friend Yu?"

"But… the Huo Family... Huo Quan!"

Mentioning the name Huo Quan seemed to give Yu Rou back her confidence.