Chapter 226: Second Order Cave Mansion, A Place to Live in_2

Xu Xiao Liu also wanted to follow, but was glared at and could only obediently stay here.

Luo Chen watched the two of them with interest, shook his head, and stepped out.


A water curtain lingered between Tianlan Peak and Tianlan Immortal City, seemingly turning this unified place into two separate spaces.

Looking up at the water curtain that glimmered with colors under the sunlight.

Luo Chen's face became somewhat solemn.

"A defensive array?"

Li Yixian was also surprised: "A third-order defensive array?"

The two looked at each other, both read the surprise in the other's eyes.

Not because of the third-order defensive array, but because this array was always activated!

Everyone knows that arrays consume a lot of Spirit Qi.

Even the Great Sects wouldn't leave them on continuously unless it was a crucial moment.

Yet, to their surprise, Tianlan Peak has a permanently operating third-order defensive array.