Chapter 231: Repelling the Five Foundation Establishments_2

Min Family Array?

Luo Chen gave him a glance, nodding with satisfaction.

"Off you go then!"

Upon receiving his assignment, Min Longyu left excitedly.

Observing his swift and uninhibited demeanour, it seemed he did not want to delay at all.

Luo Chen, too, was looking forward to the big array he would lay out.

From Shi Lan, he knew just how impressive the Min Family's array had been at its inception!

It withstood a siege from enemies several times their own number, for a whole year.

If it weren't for the Min Family's supplies being cut off, and their foundation not being able to hold, they could have endured longer.

Min Longyu's accomplishments in the Path of Array owed much to his study of that Second Order array from a young age.

"Even though it's only Second Order, it could be comparable to Third Order."

"If we have this array protecting us, the Luo Tian Creed would indeed be impregnable without the emergence of a Golden Core!"