Chapter 233: The Cleanse Origin Pill is Somewhat Accomplished, Taking the Qi Unifying Pill _2

The Grandmaster Level Ming God's Divine Cleanse was not a method of attack, but rather a form of defense.

He could feel that underneath that Spirit Consciousness golden membrane, it could withstand Spirit Consciousness attacks from the outside world.

"Could such changes be derived from Wang Yuan's Body Refinement Methods?"

In his martial arts column, there was a new entry.

Wang Family's Secret Manual.

In the past year, Luo Chen had been focusing on his cultivation with the Cleanse Origin Pill Formula.

However, that did not mean he hadn't done anything else.

Apart from daily cultivation, he would practice the set of boxing methods in the secret manual Wang Yuan had given him when he was free.

After all, it didn't take much time. After a long period of meditation, he would stand up to stretch his body, and practice a set while he was at it.

The boxing method is known not for body refinement or attack, but rather for nurturing health and defense.