Chapter 256: Eternal Sleep_3

"In the simulation, I fell into the demonic path during my cultivation, ending up in a state where I wasn't quite human or ghost, just barely reaching the stage of Foundation Establishment Finalization."

"The time I spent exceeded even the lifespan limit of a 300-year-old Foundation Establishment Cultivator."

Three hundred and thirty years is the lifespan limit in the simulation.

Ordinarily, the lifespan limit for a Foundation Establishment True Cultivator is two hundred and fifty years.

With the help of unique cultivation techniques, one can prolong one's life by a dozen or two decades.

With the help of longevity pills, the limit can reach three hundred years.

How I managed to live up to three hundred and thirty years was reliant on the Body Refinement Methods of the Path of Blood that Wang Yuan finally researched.

By pursuing the acts of mass murder and life absorption, I survived that long.

But in the end, I was hunted by the entire Yu Ding Realm.