Chapter 266: Guests Have a Good Time, Foundation Establishment Congratulations Gift_3

From what Min Longyu inferred, the Array Disk could be repaired.

Once repaired, it would even be able to unleash half of its power during its heyday.

"Did I really stumble upon a treasure unnoticed?"

Strictly speaking, the Ghost God Heart Asking Mirror could not be considered an unnoticed treasure.

Thirty thousand Spirit Stones were indeed the normal price of a magic item.

The function of simulating Core Formation, which the item originally should have, was not enjoyed by him at all.

It could only be said that, by spending thirty thousand Spirit Stones, he slightly enriched his Divine Soul Endowment, giving him a bit more insight into the future, which was barely worth the price.

But this Array Disk, it was truly an unnoticed treasure!

The regrettable part was,

He had already given it away.

He had already promised so.

Naturally, Luo Chen couldn't take it back.

He opened his mouth, and finally ended up between laughter and tears.

"I just didn't notice it!"